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Do you have question about early marriage of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and Aisha bint Abi Bakr (r.a.)?

Aisha (r.a.) was the youngest and favorite wife of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and she was a great Muslim lady. She was very talented and had a wonderful memory. A Muslim scholar, she is credited with narrating more than two thousand hadith. She had a great love of learning and became noted for her intelligence, learning and sharp sense of judgement. Aishah (r.a.) memorized quite a number of Surahs of the Qur’an. Her father was a man of learning and she inherited his love of knowledge.

Aisha (r.a.) was born in Mecca in 614 CE to Umm Ruman (r.a.) and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (r.a.), the closest friend of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and the first Khalifah of Islam. Most accounts report that Aisha (r.a.) was six years old at the time of her marriage and nine when the marriage was consummated. She only went to live with him when she was 12 (some say 15). Although the bridal age of Aisha (r.a.) sometimes draws criticism, child marriages in 7th century Arabia were culturally and morally acceptable, just as they were in Biblical times. The Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) was known to have an impeccable character, and his marriage to a child bride was an exception to his other marriages.

I heard some non-muslim people are arguing about this marriage and blame it child marriage. Is it true??? Let see what Mufti Menk is saying:


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